Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces

Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces

April 29, 2024

Choosing the right orthodontic treatment can feel overwhelming. Choosing between clear aligners and braces can be even trickier. Do you go with the discreet option or the traditional way with braces? Plus, how do you know if you are a candidate for either? Don’t worry. In this blog post, we'll discuss the differences between clear aligners in Tustin, like those offered by Life Orthodontics, and traditional braces.

What's the difference between clear aligners & traditional braces?

Clear aligners and traditional braces both aim to straighten teeth and correct bite issues, but they do so in different ways. Traditional braces are metal brackets glued to your teeth and tied together by wires and tiny rubber bands. They are visible and often associated with discomfort.

On the other hand, clear aligners, such as those offered by Tustin orthodontists Dr. Robert Lee and Dr. Sarah Pi at Life Orthodontics, are virtually invisible. They are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth and are easily removable for eating, drinking, and cleaning. Clear aligners in Tustin offer a modern, flexible, and discreet solution for teeth straightening.

Why choose clear aligners?

Clear aligners offer several advantages over traditional braces. They are less noticeable, which makes them a popular choice among adults and teenagers who want to straighten their teeth without noticeable metal braces. Clear aligners are also removable, allowing you to eat and drink whatever you want during treatment. Plus, you can brush and floss normally to maintain good oral hygiene. 

Are clear aligners right for me?

While clear aligners offer many advantages, they aren't the best solution for everyone. They are ideal for correcting mild to moderate crowding or spacing issues. However, for more complex issues, traditional braces might be a better option. Dr. Robert Lee and Dr. Sarah Pi can help you decide which treatment is best for your needs during a consultation. Generally, to be a good candidate for either, you should have good oral hygiene but we’ll let you know during your first consultation. 

What can I expect from clear aligner treatment in Tustin?

Clear aligner treatment at Life Orthodontics involves a series of aligners that you change about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured to gradually shift your teeth into place. Your treatment plan is mapped out in advance, allowing you to see the end result before you even start.

Start Your Journey to a Perfect Smile Today!

At Life Orthodontics, we're committed to providing personalized care that fits your lifestyle. Whether you're considering clear aligners in Tustin or traditional braces, Dr. Robert Lee and Dr. Sarah Pi are here to guide you every step of the way. Don't delay your dream smile any longer. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation today!

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